Development Projects Serviced & Policy Reports


The Evidence for Peace (E4P) Program on Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) I helped establish at the World Bank’s Research Department has been the key vehicle for my recent and ongoing research.

The E4P was established with the goal to provide evidence-based strategies for addressing issues related to FCV and aims to close knowledge gaps identified by the 2011 and 2013 World Development Reports, which focus on conflict, security, and development and jobs, respectively. At its peak, the E4P’s portfolio included over 40 randomized control trials in 25 countries servicing dozens of mostly World Bank- and other development organizations-financed operations totaling over $2.5 billion and $35 million in research funding.

Over a dozen of these development and aid projects have been directly serviced by me, as the Task Team Leader and Principal Investigators, alongside Research Teams of academic peers from various university and several dozens of World Bank consultants recruited to provide direct support to the research activities, in addition to helping build capacity of government implementation agencies and strengthen their Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems. Further details on development projects I have serviced as well as analytical products (i.e., policy reports and briefs) are provided below.

Projects’ Details

Policy Reports