Publications, Working Papers and Policy Reports
I have published academic work in peer-reviewed journals, produced policy reports and other analytical work and have several working papers in the pipeline under each of my main research areas. My research has been published in a variety of journals in different fields, including political science, economics, statistics, development, and public heath, among others. Below is a listing of my published work, working papers and policy reports, organized by research areas (the full list of my published and unpublished work can be seen on my CV attached here.) This list will be updated regularly, as new publications come in.
Political Economy
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
1. Can community service grants foster social and economic integration for youth? A randomized trial in Kazakhstan (with Syon Bhanot, Ben Crost, Jessica Leight and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov). Journal of Development Economics (JDE), 2021 (forthcoming).
2. Reforming village-level governance via horizontal pressure: evidence from an experiment in Zimbabwe (with Kate Baldwin and Shylock Muyengwa). Quarterly Journal of Political Science (QJPS), 2021.
3. Effects of a community-driven water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention on water and sanitation infrastructure, access, behavior, and governance: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Democratic Republic of Congo (with Kevin Croke, John Quattrochi, Aidan Coville, Caleb Dohou, Federica Esu, Yanick Bokasola). British Medical Journal Global Health (BMJ Global Health), 2021.
4. Peacekeeping and Development in Fragile States: Micro-level Evidence from Liberia (with Cyrus Samii). Journal of Peace Research, 2020.
5. Effects of public policy on child labor: Current knowledge, gaps, and implications for program design. (With Ana Dammert, Jacobus de Hoop and Furio Rosati). World Development (WD), 2018.
6. Promoting Political Participation in War-torn Countries: Microlevel Evidence from Postwar Liberia. Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), 2018.
7. Promoting Democracy in Fragile States: Behavioral and Experimental Evidence from Liberia. (With Cyrus Samii). World Development (WD), 2017.
8. When Participation is Not Novel: The Effects of Participatory Clan Chief Selection in Liberia (with Kate Baldwin). World Politics (WP), 2015.
9. Reintegrating rebels into civilian life: Quasi-experimental evidence from Burundi (with Michael Gilligan and Cyrus Samii). Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), 2013.
10. The Resource curse, democracy and development: Lessons from strange cases (with Ellis Goldberg and Erik Wibbels). Comparative Politics Studies, 2008.
Manuscripts under journal review and working papers
2. “The Longer-Term Impact of Community-Driven Programs: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Democratic republic of Congo” (with Peter van der Windt). Under review. Also, WPS #9140.
3. “Enhancing Female Entrepreneurship through Cash Grants: Experimental Evidence from Rural Tunisia” (with Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan and Olivier Sterk.) Working Paper.
4. “Community and/or Government Participation to Improve Public Services? Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo” (with Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Working Paper.
5. “A Randomized Control Trial on the Returns to Vocational Education and Business Training Interventions in Azerbaijan” (with Subha Mani, Olga Shemyakina and Saurabh Singhal). Working Paper.
6. “When and How Local Cultures Matter for Peacebuilding Outcomes in Fragile States? Insights and Evidence from A Field Experiment in Rural Liberia.” Working Paper.
7. “Who Needs Information (and what kind) To Cooperate? Insights from A Field Experiment in Rural Liberia.” Unpublished Manuscript.
8. “International NGOs and social cohesion after civil war: survey evidence from Liberia.” Unpublished Manuscript.
9. “Laying a Foundation for Peace? Micro-Impacts of Peacekeeping in Cote d’Ivoire” (with Cyrus Samii). Unpublished Manuscript.
10. “Community mechanisms and collective action in Sierra Leone” (with Gwen Taylor & Cyrus Samii). Unpublished Manuscript.
Policy reports, policy briefs and blogs
1. “Effects of a community-driven water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention on water and sanitation infrastructure, access, behavior, and governance: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Democratic Republic of Congo” (with Kevin Croke, John Quattrochi, Aidan Coville, Caleb Dohou, Federica Esu, Yanick Bokasola.) Policy Report. June 2021.
2. “Strengthening Community Resilience in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Societies: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial of a CDD Program with a Conflict Resolution Dimension in Eastern Congo.” (With Julie Bousquet, Issa Kiemtoré, and Marijke Verpoorten.) Policy Report. June 2021.
3. “Enhancing Female Entrepreneurship through Cash Grants: Experimental Evidence from Rural Tunisia.” (With Samih Ferrah, Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan, Varada Shrotri, Olivier Sterck, Samir Ben Zineb.) Policy Report. May 2021.
4. “Promoting community and labor force engagement through service grants and noncognitive skills training: A randomized control trial in Kazakhstan.” (With Syon Bhanot, Ben Crost, Jessica Leight and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov.) Policy Report. March 2021.
5. “Improving Local Service Provision Delivery in Eastern Congo: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane 2+ Interventions”. (With Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Policy Report. June 2018.
6. “Participatory Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane I Program”. (With Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Policy Report. June 2017.
7. “Participatory Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane II Program.” (With Ann Laudati & Peter van der Windt.) Policy Report. December 2017.
8. “Supporting Traditional Leaders and Local Structures to Mitigate Community-Level Conflict in Zimbabwe.” (With Kate Baldwin and Shylock Muyengwa.) Policy Report. June 2012.
9. “United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) Radio and Female Political Participation.” Policy Report. June 2012.
10. “Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Mission in Liberia: Final Report.” (With Cyrus Samii). Policy Report. February 2010. Referenced in GA report A/64/712.
11. “Peace from the Bottom Up: Peacebuilding and Democracy Promotion in Liberia.” Policy Report. September 2009.
12. “Laying a Foundation for Peace? A Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Operation in Cote d’Ivoire.” (With Cyrus Samii). Policy Report. September 2009. Referenced in GA report A/63/713.
13. “On-the-ground assessment of peacekeeping operations: a micro-level study of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).” (With Cyrus Samii). Policy Report. December 2008.
14. “Making and Committing to Peace: Political Vulnerability and Civil War Termination.” (With Page Fortna and Grant Gordon). Policy Report. June 2008.
15. “Stabilizing the Postwar Environment in Burundi: Preliminary Results and Recommendations from a 2006 Pilot Survey.” (With Cyrus Samii and Gwen Taylor). Policy Report. June 2007.
Poverty Reduction
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
1. Cash Transfers and Migration: Theory and Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial (with Jules Gazeaud and Olivier Sterk), Review of Economics and Statistics (REStat), 2021.
2. Can community service grants foster social and economic integration for youth? A randomized trial in Kazakhstan (with Syon Bhanot, Ben Crost, Jessica Leight and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov). Journal of Development Economics (JDE), 2021 (forthcoming).
3. Effects of public policy on child labor: Current knowledge, gaps, and implications for program design. (With Ana Dammert, Jacobus de Hoop and Furio Rosati). World Development, 2018, 110 (5): 104-123.
Manuscripts under journal review and working papers
1. Do Public Works Programs Have Sustained Impacts? A Review of Experimental Studies from LMICs (with Aanchal Bagga, Marcus Holmlund, Nausheen Khan, Subha Mani, and Patrick Premand). Working Paper.
2. From Workfare to Welfare and Well-being? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Egypt (with Raphael Cottin and Brooke Hill). Under Review.
3. A Way Out? Apprenticeship Training, Employment and Social Transformation in Northern Nigeria with Ben Crost, Oeindrila Dube, and Marcus Holmlund). Working Paper.
4. Workfare, livelihoods and gender: Experimental evidence from Eastern Congo (with Paul Brandily, Lodewijk Smets, Marijke Verpoorten and Peter van der Windt). Working Paper.
4. From Workfare to Economic, Social and Political Stability? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in War-Torn Eastern Congo (with Paul Brandily-Snyers, Lodewijk Smets, Marijke Verpoorten and Peter van der Windt). Under Review.
5. Public works, economic welfare and solidarity: Experimental Evidence from Tunisia (with Diego Angel-Urdinola and Laura Ralston). Working Paper.
5. Who illegally migrates and why? Descriptive evidence from the Comoros archipelago (with Jules Gazeaud and Olivier Sterck). Working Paper.
Policy reports, policy briefs and blogs
1. “Strengthening Community Resilience in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Societies: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial of a CDD Program with a Conflict Resolution Dimension in Eastern Congo.” (With Julie Bousquet, Issa Kiemtoré, and
Marijke Verpoorten.) Policy Report. June 2021.
2. “Enhancing Female Entrepreneurship through Cash Grants: Experimental Evidence from Rural Tunisia.” (With Samih Ferrah, Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan, Varada Shrotri, Olivier Sterck, Samir Ben Zineb.) Policy Report. May 2021.
3. “A Way Out? Evidence from an Impact of Apprenticeship and Community-based Skills Training Interventions on Employment and Social Transformation in Northern Nigeria.” (With Emily Crawford, Ben Crost, Oeindrila Dube, Samih Ferrah, Marcus Holmlund, Nausheen Khan and Nuruddeen Sambo Umar.) Policy Report. April 2021.
4. “Promoting community and labor force engagement through service grants and noncognitive skills training: A randomized control trial in Kazakhstan.” (With Syon Bhanot, Ben Crost, Jessica Leight and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov). Policy Report. April 2021.
5. “From Workfare to Work and Economic Wellbeing: A Randomized Control Trial of Labor-Intensive Public Works for the Urban Poor in Eastern DRC.” (With Lodewijk Smets and Paul Brandily-Snyers). Policy Report. July 2020.
6. “Finding the Poor and Vulnerable: A randomized Control Trial of Targeting Mechanisms for a Public Works Program in Eastern Congo.” Preliminary Results. October 2019.
7. “Public Works and Welfare: A Randomized Control Trial of a Cash for Work Program Targeting the Poor in a Lower Income Country” (with Jules Gazeaud and Olivier Sterck). Policy Report. August 2019.
8. “Public Works and Welfare: A Randomized Control Trial of a Labor-Intensive Public Works Program focusing on Community Social Services in a Lower Middle-Income Country” (With Thiemo Fetzer and Claudia Eger). Policy Report. April 2018.
9. “Public Works and Welfare: A Randomized Control Trial of a Labor-Intensive Public Works Program focusing on Community Infrastructure in a Lower Middle-Income Country” (With Thiemo Fetzer, Jacob de Hoop and Furio Rosati). Policy Report. April 2018.
10. “Public Works and Welfare: A Randomized Control Trial of the Community Works and Local Participation Project in Rural Tunisia.” (With Sarah Elven, Diego Angel- Urdinola and Laura Ralston). Policy Report. April 2017.
11. “Big city life in eastern DRC: Results from a representative survey.” (With Lodewijk Smets, Peter Van der Windt and Marijke Verpoorten). Policy Report. April 2016.
12. “The life of the poor in rural settings: Results from a representative survey in Eastern DRC.” (With Lodewijk Smets). Baseline Report. June 2017.
13. “What are we learning about the impacts of public works programs on employment and violence? Early findings from ongoing evaluations in fragile states.” Post on Development Impact Blog. April 2018.
14. “Fragile States: Employment Programs Must Become a Bridge to Prosperity.” Newsletter story in Development Economics Research Newsletter. April 2018.
State Capacity
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
1. Reforming village-level governance via horizontal pressure: evidence from an experiment in Zimbabwe (with Kate Baldwin and Shylock Muyengwa). Quarterly Journal of Political Science (QJPS), 2021.
2. When Participation is Not Novel: The Effects of Participatory Clan Chief Selection in Liberia (with Kate Baldwin). World Politics (WP), 2015.
3. Effects of public policy on child labor: Current knowledge, gaps, and implications for program design. (With Ana Dammert, Jacobus de Hoop and Furio Rosati). World Development, 2018, 110 (5): 104-123.
Manuscripts under journal review and working papers
1. “Community and/or Government Participation to Improve Public Services? Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo” (with Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Working Paper.
Policy reports, policy briefs and blogs
1. “Strengthening the Bureaucracy in a Fragile State: Results from a Survey with Civil servants in DRC.” June 2018. Baseline Policy Report. Updated report coming soon.
2. “Improving Local Service Provision Delivery in Eastern Congo: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane 2+ Interventions”. (With Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Endline Policy Report. June 2018.
3. “Supporting Traditional Leaders and Local Structures to Mitigate Community-Level Conflict in Zimbabwe.” (With Kate Baldwin and Shylock Muyengwa.) Endline Policy Report. June 2012.
Women’s Empowerment
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
[Coming soon]
Manuscripts under journal review and working papers
2. “The Longer-Term Impact of Community-Driven Programs: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Democratic republic of Congo” (with Peter van der Windt). Under review. Also, WPS #9140.
3. “Enhancing Female Entrepreneurship through Cash Grants: Experimental Evidence from Rural Tunisia” (with Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan and Olivier Sterk.) Working Paper.
4. “From Workfare to Welfare and Well-being? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Egypt” (with Brooke Hill and Raphael Cottin). Working Paper.
5. “A Way Out? Evidence from an Impact of Apprenticeship and Community-based Skills Training Interventions on Employment and Gender Transformation in Northern Nigeria.” (With Emily Crawford, Ben Crost, Oeindrila Dube and Marcus Holmlund). Working Paper.
Policy reports, policy briefs and blogs
1. “Enhancing Female Entrepreneurship through Cash Grants: Experimental Evidence from Rural Tunisia.” (With Samih Ferrah, Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan, Varada Shrotri, Olivier Sterck, Samir Ben Zineb.) Policy Report. May 2021.
2. “A Way Out? Evidence from an Impact of Apprenticeship and Community-based Skills Training Interventions on Employment and Social Transformation in Northern Nigeria.” (With Ben Crost, Oeindrila Dube and Marcus Holmlund). Policy Report. March 2021.
3. “Participatory Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane I Program”. (With Ann Laudati and Peter van der Windt.) Policy Report. June 2017.
4. “Participatory Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane II Program.” (With Ann Laudati & Peter van der Windt.) Policy Report. December 2017.
5. “Public Works and Welfare: A Randomized Control Trial of a Labor-Intensive Public Works Program focusing on Community Social Services in a Lower Middle-Income Country.” (With Claudia Egger, Thiemo Fetzer and Brooke Hill.) Policy Report. December 2018.
COVID-19 Mitigation
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
[Coming soon]
Manuscripts under journal review and working papers
[Coming soon]
Policy reports, policy briefs and blogs
1. “Leveraging an RCT of a community-driven water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention to investigate its effects on COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors in rural Democratic Republic of Congo” (with Kevin Croke, John Quattrochi, Aidan Coville, Caleb Dohou, Federica Esu, Yanick Bokasola.) Policy Brief. August 2021.
2. “Can Public Works Program mitigate the negative economic and socio-psychological effects of COVID-19? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Egypt.” (With Aanchaal Bagga, Kevin Croke and John Quattrochi.) Policy Brief. July 2021.
3. “Can Public Works Programs and Unconditional Cash Grants mitigate the negative economic and socio-psychological effects of COVID-19? Evidence from randomized controlled trials in Tunisia.” Policy Brief. July 2021.